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Investment climate in the energy sector of Kazakhstan is very favorable, expert said

Kazakhstan has built a highly favourable investment climate for investors, and our nation has greatly benefited thanks to this work. That was announced in Brussels by Secretary General of the International Energy Charter presenting the risk assessment of the energy investment, correspondent of Khabar 24 informs.

The edition contains the information on conditions of investment in the energy sector of 30 countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. The assessment and recommendations can help the governments of the countries-members of the organization, as well as foreign investors improve their investment climate. This specific rating of risks of investment does not divide the countries into the best or the worst, but enables to analyze and improve conditions of their investment climate.

Urban Rusnak, Head of the Secretary of the International Energy Charter:

- The investment climate in the energy sector of Kazakhstan is very favorable. The country has a great potential for development. The better conditions for investments are, the easier for investors, the cheaper investment is: it is a beneficial situation both for people, and for investors. Perfectly that Kazakhstan has the Council of Foreign Investors of a high level, several times I participated in its sessions. This explains how Kazakhstan could attract so many investors not only in the energy sector, but also in the other sectors of the economy. This began with the first contract with Chevron, then Kazakhstan passed a long way creating investment opportunities. The results of this work have shown the entire region that sensible investment policy and its implementation can bring huge benefits for the nation.

Source: http://24.kz/ru/news/economyc/item/270038-investklimat-v-energosektore-kazakhstana-vesma-blagopriyatnyj-ekspert

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