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Korean investors are proposed to construct roads in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan investment projects in the transport sphere are presented in Seoul. The conference dedicated to the global infrastructure took place there. Representatives of almost fifty countries participated in it.

Our Republic was represented by Kazakhstan Project Preparation Fund of Baiterek Holding. In particular, the Korean investors were interested in construction of light-rail transport and a railway bypass in Almaty, as well as road projects in Turkestan region.

The competition on construction of roads between Shymkent and Saryagash will be announced this year. Preliminary cost of the project is about USD 500 million. The necessary documentation, including the technical and economic feasibility is underway now. 

Aslan Bulatov, Managing Director of Kazakhstan Project Preparation Fund:

- The first is a bypass road of Saryagash city on border with Uzbekistan. Then, the maintenance of already constructed roads between Saryagash and Shymkent. And, also the construction of a bypass road of Shymkent city. The aim of the project is to unload these two cities, Saryagash and Shymkent, so that the cargo traffic from the southern countries reaches a corridor «Western Europe - Western China» as quickly as possible.

Source: http://24.kz/ru/news/economyc/item/266368-korejskim-investoram-predlozhili-postroit-dorogi-v-kazakhstane