Priority sectors
Major mechanical engineering plants of East Kazakhstan region are Ust-Kamenogorsk Valve Plant JSC, KEMONT JSC, Ust-Kamenogorsk Capacitor Plant LLP, Ust-Kamenogorsk Industrial Valves Plant JSC, Silumin-Vostok LLP, MASHZAVOD LLP, etc.
Ust-Kamenogorsk Valve Plant JSC for more than 40 years has been designing, developing, manufacturing and supplying pipeline valves and oil-gas equipment, which are widely used in oil and gas facilities of the CIS countries and far abroad.
KEMONT JSC is the largest manufacturer of electrical equipment in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Central Asia with the voltage class from 0.4 kV to 220 kV. Electrical equipment manufactured by KEMONT JSC is used in various industrial sectors: metallurgical, nuclear, chemical, mining, oil and gas, industrial energy and energy systems, agriculture and housing construction, social, cultural and household facilities.
Ust-Kamenogorsk Capacitor Plant LLP for 62 years has been developing, manufacturing and supplying capacitor equipment for reactive power compensation in electric power lines of the industries, such as machine-building, metallurgical, energy, oil and gas, railway. For 5 years, the production output has doubled, including due to the release of new, expensive products.
Ust-Kamenogorsk Industrial Valves Plant JSC is one of the largest machine engineering enterprises in Kazakhstan specializing in manufacture of pipeline valves and oil-field equipment. Product areas of the plant are oil and gas industry enterprises, main oil and gas pipelines, process flow schemes of the pumping stations and tank farms, energy complex, water supply, etc.
Silumin-Vostok LLP, founded in 1996, is a leader in Kazakhstan in the field of industrial automation, power supply, integrated project development and production of equipment supplies for various industrial sectors. The company manufactures switchboard, pumping, industrial refrigeration equipment, valves and block-modular buildings.
8 energy producing organizations of various form of ownership, which include 9 power plants, generate electrical energy in East Kazakhstan region. The total installed capacity of power plants is 2118 mW.
Power plants are divided into power stations of national and regional value.
Power plants of national value are the hydroelectric power stations (HPSs) of high-power also used for regulation of the level of energy consumption of UES RK:
- Buhtarma HEC “Kazzinc” JSC;
- Ust-Kamenogorsk HPS;
- Shulba HPS.
Also, 2 HPSs of the Ridder cascade of HPSs – Khairuzovskaya and Tishinskaya generate electrical energy.
Electric networks of East Kazakhstan are a set of substations, switchgears and electric power lines connecting them of 0,4-500 kV voltage, intended for transmission and (or) distribution of electrical energy.
The backbone network is the national electric network which provides electricity lines between regions of the Republic and the energy network of the Russian Federation, and also delivery of electrical energy by power plants and its transmission to wholesale consumers.
The guaranteeing supplier of electrical energy in East Kazakhstan is “Shygysenergotrade” Ltd. The only founder of “Shygysenergotrade” Ltd is “VK REK” JSC, 100 % of actions belong to “Samruk-Energo” JSC.
The total area of lands of the state forest fund attached to the Akimat of East Kazakhstan region amounts to 2.153.200 hectares, including 1.283.900 hectares of forested lands with 124.5 million cubic meters of timber resources. The total average increase is 1.9 million cubic meters per year.
The predominant species composition of forests growing on the territory of 13 Municipal Public Institutions (hereinafter referred to as MPIs) of the forestry subordinated to the Akimat of the region is as follows, fir - 30% of the total area, then birch - 18.4%, aspen - 16.3% of the forest. Less common species are larch, spruce, cedar, poplar plantations. 1.6% of forest land is covered with shrubs of various species.
In accordance with the current legislation, the forest felling, industrial logging can be harvested only in the forests of 13 MPIs, subordinate to the Regional Akimat.
The possible annual volume of timber harvesting during the main forest felling according to the MPIs is 987.510 cubic meters, including 172.140 cubic meters of coniferous trees and 815.370 cubic meters of deciduous trees. Due to the lack of production for the processing of low-grade hardwood, as of November 1, 2022, the volume of harvesting for the main forest felling does not exceed 64.000 cubic meters on average.
The total annual volume for all types of logging recommended by the forest inventory is more than 1.5 million cubic meters.
Actual timber harvesting for all types of felling over the past 5 years does not exceed 225.000 cubic meters, most of the harvested wood, about 70% of the total volume, is firewood. Thus, about 1.3 million cubic meters remain untapped.
Currently, out of 26 promising forest divisions, on the basis of the raw material potential of which it is possible to implement projects for the development of timber processing productions, 14 ones are assigned to long-term forest management for timber harvesting with a possible annual volume of timber harvesting for the main forest felling of 554.900 cubic meters.
12 forest divisions can be put up for tender with a total annual volume of timber harvesting of the main forest felling of 305.000 cubic meters.
Thus, East Kazakhstan region has a good resource potential for the development of wood processing productions.
The sector is the leader in the region's economy. For 10 months of 2022, the share of the manufacturing industry amounted to 67.2%. The leading enterprises in this sector are Kazzinc LLP, Ust-Kamenogorsk Titanium and Magnesium Plant JSC, Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC. The enterprises manufacture the main precious and non-ferrous metals: lead, zinc, copper, refined gold and silver, as well as titanium, tantalum, fuel for nuclear power plants.
Kazzinc LLP is a major fully integrated zinc producer with considerable copper, precious metals and lead credits - a total of 23 types of finished products. The product types include metal zinc, refined lead, refined silver, cathode copper, and other related products. The company is the largest gold producer in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main enterprises of the company are located on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, most of all in East Kazakhstan region. The company was founded in 1997. The general investor is Glencore International AG.
Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC is one of the worldwide recognized manufacturers of uranium, beryllium, tantalum and niobium products for the needs of nuclear energy, electronics, metallurgical industry and other sectors. Since 1997, the enterprise has been incorporated into Kazatomprom National Atomic Company JSC. The enterprise includes large metallurgical productions - uranium, beryllium and tantalum, as well as a developed infrastructure of auxiliary departments. The manufacturer of uranium fuel components for nuclear power plants is uranium production. Uranium production products (uranium dioxide powders and fuel pellets) are certified by the largest fuel producers of the world. The products are exported to the countries of North America, Europe and Asia. The beryllium production is also unique, with a full cycle, ranging from the processing of ore concentrates to the production of a wide range of products based on beryllium and its alloys. Finished products are sold to the countries of the European Union, the Russian Federation, the USA, China and Japan. Tantalum production of the plant is the only one in the CIS and one of the four worldwide largest ones with a full production cycle ranging from raw materials processing to finished tantalum-niobium products with specified quality parameters. Among the partners of UMP tantalum production are well-known companies from the USA, Russia, France, Germany and Japan.
Ust-Kamenogorsk Titanium and Magnesium Plant JSC is one of the largest worldwide vertically integrated industry enterprises. It includes all technological stages ranging from the extraction of raw materials to the production of finished products. The production structure of the plant includes 5 main and 6 auxiliary shops, as well as subsidiaries and joint ventures. The plant's products are certified by all world aerospace enterprises. Kazakhstan titanium occupies 16% of the world market and is used in shipbuilding, medicine, oil and chemical industries. Its partners are companies such as Boeing, Airbus, Nippon Steel, SNECMA, General Electric and many others.
In animal breeding, promising areas for investment are:
- dairy and beef cattle breeding development;
- meat poultry farming development;
- construction of meat processing complexes;
- deer breeding and beekeeping development;
- irrigated lands development (growing fodder crops).
The main direction of agriculture is crop production, which accounts for 55% of the total gross output, livestock farming accounts for 45%.
For 10 months of 2022, in all categories of farms, there are 473.000 heads of great cattle (a 103.9 per cent increase compared to the same period of the last year), 652.100 sheep and goats (103.9%), 52.100 pigs (96.9%), 200.400 horses (108.9%), 4.3 million birds (166.1%).
The region has unique agricultural resources, and its geographical location allows the development of comprehensive, mutually beneficial cooperation.