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Slovak company intends to produce feed additives in Kazakhstan

On April 28, 2022, a meeting with SATURAN s.r.o. (Slovakia) took place in the Representative Office of KAZAKH INVEST. The Company, headquartered in Bratislava, produces innovative organic feed additives for farm livestock.

“The Republic of Kazakhstan is a strategic region for our Company. We are exploring the possibility to set up a joint venture to undertake the production of feed additives, meeting domestic needs and exporting to foreign markets,” said the co-founder of SATURAN s.r.o. Yaroslav Lazar.

The implementation of the project in the Republic of Kazakhstan will help improve the efficiency of enterprises operating in the livestock sector, increase productivity, improve the quality of finished products (milk, meat, eggs), as well as increase the resistance of great cattle to various diseases, since the main active ingredient of the additive is iodine in organically bound form.

During the visit of SATURAN s.r.o. to Kazakhstan, organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Slovak Republic and KAZAKH INVEST, contact was established with specialists from the leading enterprises of our country in the agricultural production.

An agreement has been currently reached on the gratuitous supply of a batch of a pilot product, the SATURAN J feed additive, to these enterprises in order to test the effectiveness of the use of the additive in meat and dairy farming for great cattle. Research for beef cattle breeding will last - 3 months, for dairy - 6 months.

During the implementation of the first stage, the investor intends to increase the product line with premixes, enriched by vitamins, minerals and microelements.
