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Kazakhstan ranked 39th on 2020 Economic Freedom Index

Kazakhstan reached 39th out of 180, having improved its indicators by 20 positions (in 2019 it ranked 59th) in the ranking of countries according to 2020 Economic Freedom Index by the American Research Center Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation stresses that Kazakhstan has become one of the 10 countries with the most significant positive dynamics in terms of improving its position in the 2020 ranking.

Positive dynamics was found in such indicators as fiscal sustainability, protection of property rights, efficiency of government agencies, efficiency of government spending, freedom of business, freedom of trade, efficiency of the judicial system.

Stable dynamics were noted in such indicators as freedom of investment, freedom of the financial sector.

For comparison, in the ranking of countries according to 2020 Economic Freedom Index, the Russian Federation took 94th place, the Republic of Uzbekistan - 114th, the Republic of Belarus - 88th, and the Kyrgyz Republic - 81st.

Singapore, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland are among the top 5 countries with the highest level of economic freedom.

For reference: The American Research Center “The Heritage Foundation” annually posts a report on the economic freedom of the countries of the world. The Index of Economic Freedom is a composite indicator that measures the level of economic freedom to define the corresponding rating.

