The Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan held the reporting back meeting to the population
The reporting back meeting to the population of Zhenis Kasymbek, the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held today in the Kazmediacentre, in Astana.
The event was attended by the Deputies of Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, members of the Public Council for Investment and Development, the leadership of NMH Baiterek JSC, Kazakhstan Temir Zholy JSC, NC KazakhInvest JSC, representatives of akimat of Astana city, as well as officials of the Ministry and its affiliated institutions.
In his speech, the Minister informed of the outcomes of the work in 2017 and objectives for 2018. In particular, the Minister told about achievements in the sphere of the industry and new technologies, issues of attraction of investments and promotion of export, development of construction, housing and public utilities, transport and logistics, geology and subsoil use, as well as in the spheres of technical regulation and metrology.
According to the generally recognized Technology Sophistication Index of the economy, Kazakhstan in 2010-2016 has improved its positions by 30 points (from 92 rate to 62). Now practically each fourth dollar of the attracted direct foreign investment accounts for the processing sector, its share in the gross inflow according to the results of 2017 amounted to 25,0 %, whereas in 2015 this index was 17 %.
In all, since the Industrialization Programme was introduced (for 2010-2017), 1148 projects were launched amounting to KZT6,1 trillion, 107,000 permanent jobs were created, including 120 projects worth KZT1,5 trillion creating about 10,000 permanent jobs were launched in 2017.
«If earlier we only mined bauxites and produced alumina only for export, but upon the launch of Kazakhstan electrolysis plant, the country has begun to produce the primary aluminium – it is the 2-nd processing. Last year we have launched already the 3-rd processing within the framework of the project of Giessenhaus Ltd for the production of the alloyed aluminium. Alongside with this project, it has been started the production of finished products from aluminium - automobile disks», - Zhenis Kasymbek said in his speech.
The assortment of products of mechanical engineering is expanded by the highly technological products which have never been launched before in the country. For example, they are locomotives, electric locomotives, passenger stock, mining and oil-and-gas equipment meeting the most advanced standards. The known companies, such as General Electric, General Motors, Alstom, LG and other companies operate in this branch.
For popularization and demonstration of benefits from the introduction of the technologies of the Industry 4.0, the project is launched on the creation of modeling digital plants on the basis of the operating enterprises of the processing industry. Technological diagnostics of the selected enterprises and development of motoring maps on the introduction of digital technologies at them are underway.
«14 projects are identified on the introduction of elements of digitization of city forming companies till 2025, to the amount of KZT146 billion. And we see from the implemented projects that they help enhance the effectiveness and increase their competitiveness», - Zhenis Kasymbek said.
In the sphere of construction, according to the results of the last year, owing to the Nurly Zher Program, 11,2 million sq. m. of housing were put into service, that is more than 100,800 families were provided with housing.
«Investment into this sector increased by 18 % in comparison with 2016 (KZT830 billion) and made up about KZT980 billion. Thus, it is involved more than 5 tenges of private investments for 1 tenge of the invested public funds. This year we plan to put into operation 12,1 million sq. m. or about 108,000 thousand of dwellings», - the Minister said.
Let's note, that the meeting was broadcasted live on the official site of the Ministry and on the social networks where Kazakhstani people could send requests to the Minister. Besides, all regions of the country took part in the reporting back meeting in the mode of selective communication.
During the dialogue with the population, the Minister was asked dozens of questions, concerning transport, construction, housing and public utilities, civil aviation and others.
Let's note that 3 weeks prior to carrying out of the reporting back meeting, the CALL-center 983000 worked in the Ministry and everyone could ask the Minister an interesting question.
Answers to questions which the Minister did not have sufficient time to answer during the reporting back meeting, will be posted on the site of the Ministry.