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Timur Jaikov is appointed Vice-Chairman of the Committee for Investment of MID RK

Timur Jaikov is appointed Vice-Chairman of the Committee for Investment of the Ministry for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Timur Jaikov was born in 1982 in Karaganda region. In 2005 graduated from Abylai Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages. In 2010 graduated from M. Auezov Kazakh Humanitarian-Law Innovation University, In 2016 earned a master’s degree under the international Bolashak program (Great Britain). He has PhD in Political Sciences.

His labour way began in 2006 as an expert in the Akim’ Office of Guldalin rural district of Talgar district of Almaty region, then he worked in the Administration of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Public Service Affairs on Almaty region. In different years worked in spheres of public healthcare, agriculture and trade.

In 2010 joined the Committee for Investment of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a chief expert.

From 2012 till present time headed the Administration for Investment Attraction of the Committee for Investment of the Ministry for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

