Kazakhstan has found out a way of citizens to refuse treatment in Korea
On April, 18 in Almaty city “Kazakhstan Public-Private Partnership Center” JSC of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan held “a round table” with Japanese and South-Korean medical operators in order to discuss issues of cooperation and opportunity of implementing PPP projects in the form of trust management in healthcare.
They would like to transfer healthcare institutions of Kazakhstan into trust management of Japanese and South-Korean medical companies within the frameworks of Public-Private Partnership. And, probably, Kazakhstan people will not have to go to these countries for treatment, Kazpravda.kz informs.
This issue was discussed at the meeting of representatives of Kazakhstan Public-Private Partnership Center” JSC of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and medical operators of Japan and South Korea.
As PPP Center noted, the tendency is that today Kazakhstan people prefer to receive diagnostics and treatment in clinics of countries of Europe and East Asia. For this reason the idea to transfer the state hospitals and polyclinics into trust management of experts from these countries is considered the most perspective.
«Primarily, we have to make some remarks, - Vice-president of the Front-Office of Center Erlan Zhakin said. - We do not plan to transfer all state objects to private sector. First, we need to identify criteria for selection of clinics which are to be transferred into trust management. Probably, it will be those objects where we need to solve questions with the process of clinic management. Or they are institutions where medical services are rendered in an improper manner. This list can include the objects which are in high demand at the population but where now our Kazakhstan companies cannot adjust the activity of medical enterprise. That is why we invite foreign companies capable to enhance management of domestic medical institutions”.
He also specified that foreign investors will come to Kazakhstan not to occupy jobs of domestic doctors and managers. Their aim is to share experience and to train our experts. As a result by joint efforts we will reach the purpose - the local population will start to receive improved services.
If a foreign company takes a hospital into trust management within the frameworks of PPP, participants of the meeting noted, it has the right to equip it with the newest equipment, to reconstruct or bring it into conformity with requirements of modern medicine.
“We spent a long time putting forward the idea of partnership among state hospitals and business. In our opinion, at present the most effective model of work is a trust management: when a healthcare object isn’t sold to investors, but transferred into trust management”, - Vice-president of Board of Kazakhstan PPP Center Galymbek Mamrayev said.
Let's remind, that in the Address of Head of the state Nursultan Nazarbayev called on to apply more actively various forms of public-private partnership, having emphasized, that PPP should become a basic mechanism of infrastructure development, including social one.