Kazakhstan and South Korea agreed on mutual assistance in ITS developing
A memorandum of mutual understanding is signed between the Transport Committee of the Ministry for Investment Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Intelligent Transport System of South Korea. The purpose of the memorandum is to boost cooperation between the parties in the issues related to research, planning, promotion and development of intelligent transport systems (ITS).
Thus, the special attention will be paid to research, educational and trading cooperation.
Within the framework of the memorandum, the countries have identified a number of key directions of interaction.
So, it is supposed to develop the exchange of information about the use of ITS, to conduct the joint research, technological tests and etc.
Intellectual transport system in Kazakhstan unites users of transport, infrastructure and transport itself. Its overall aim is to enhance the transport and road safety. In the country there are such ITS components, as payment for some road sections, automatic systems of weighing. Installing the system of video-monitoring and revealing of violation of road traffic rules, systems of analysis and forecasting of climatic conditions on roads is underway.